Mental Health Care Plans

Your guide to Mental Health Care Plans in 2021

Charles Ruddock, Principal Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Director

There’s no doubt COVID-19 has changed the way we live, work, interact and organise our daily schedule.  Many Australians are struggling with mental health and wellbeing as a result of heightened feelings of isolation and stress, induced or exacerbated by the pandemic.  We have had to strive for new ways of maintaining relationships and remaining socially connected due to physical distancing.


It is now more important than ever to be aware of the support available to you.  For those who qualify, a Mental Health Care Plan allows you access to a local Psychologist for ongoing Psychology services with a Medicare rebate applied.  Advance Healthcare is able to provide a private, safe and secure environment for telehealth or face-to-face consultations with qualified practitioners for those referred with a Mental Health Care Plan. We bulk-bill for those with a Health Care Card, pensioners and children. 

How do you get a Mental Health Care Plan?

Speak with your regular GP and let them know you are struggling. Your GP will assist you in identifying what type of health care you need and agree on what goals you might aim to achieve. They will write this up as a plan and refer you on to a psychologist where relevant.  After the first 6 appointments, you will need to see your GP again for a review, before continuing with an additional 4 appointments.


Who is eligible for a Mental Health Care Plan?

A Mental Health Care Plan can be obtained after a review with your GP where mental health support is recommended.

What does a Mental Health Care Plan cover?

A Mental Health Care Plan entitles you to Medicare rebates for up to 10 individual appointments with a psychologist in a year. As a result of COVID-19, the government now allows an additional 10 Medicare rebated individual psychology appointments during the year, bringing the total up to 20. Services can be accessed face-to-face or via telehealth.

Ready to book?

Contact your nearest Advance Healthcare clinic or book online at: 

Remember, the earlier you seek help, the better you are able to stay mentally healthy!

Useful links

Refer to the Better Access to Psychiatrists, Psychologists and General Practitioners through the Medicare Benefits Schedule (Better Access) initiative fact sheet to find out more.

Need immediate help? Contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636.

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Charles Ruddock is a director, principal psychologist and clinical psychologist at Advance Healthcare in Bundoora, Geelong and Hoppers Crossing. Charles has strong clinical skills in a range of mental health areas with an interest in chronic pain, stress, workplace injuries and returning to work after a workplace injury.